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Supervision of Auditors at a Crossroad

Lessons learned from landmark cases and the way forward

Just two weeks before CMVM celebrates its 30th anniversary, and 5 years after having been given supervisory powers over the audit activity in Portugal, the CMVM (the Portuguese Securities Regulator) in partnership with CIRSF  (Research Center on Regulation and Supervision of the Financial Sector), will bring together experts, policy makers, regulators and industry representatives to discuss the challenges posed to the supervision of auditors, in the context of lessons learned from real cases and the possible steps forward. With the support of the Florence School of Banking and Finance of the European University Institute, the discussion will take place in two separate sessions, one dedicated to “Public supervisory oversight of auditors in the EU” (by invitation-only) and a second one open to the general public, which will focus on “Supervision of Auditors: Lessons learned from landmark cases”.

Biographies of the Speakers

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The Wirecard debacle calls for a rethink of EU, not just German, financial reporting supervision, Nicolas Véron, Peterson Institute for International Economics, 30 June 2020
Surprised by Wirecard? Enablers of corporate wrongdoing in Europe, Theo Nyrerod and Giancarlo Spagnolo, Stockholm Institute of Transition Economics, Working Paper n.º 54, April 2021
What are the wider supervisory implications of the wirecard case?, Study of the European Parliament, November 2020